pondělí 16. července 2018

Crater Asteroid with Bugle Beads

Meet Crater Asteroid made with Bugle beads and seed beads.
Crater Asteroid is a beaded truncated cuboctahedron (started as rhombicubooctahedron).
Many thanks to Gwen Fisher (Bead Infinitum) for creating Crater Moon. This big beaded bead made of bugle beads was my inspiration for making another shapes.

* TOHO Bugle Beads
* TOHO Round Seed Beads size 11 and 15



 Crater Moon (design Gwen Fisher) and Crater Asteroid - size comparison

Another versions of the same shape:
* Susan Goldstine - beaded with seed beads, second version here
* Gwen Fisher - beaded with seed beads and bugle beads

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