úterý 18. srpna 2015

Kheops Flower Beaded Bead - FORGET-ME-NOT

Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Tuto kuličku ušila Lenka Cikhartová  - No.8

Colors used for FORGET-ME-NOT (blue and brown with yellow color combo):
* Kheops - Pastel Aqua 
* Superduo - Silky Metallic Grey Rainbow
* Matubo 7 - Opaque Dark Turquoise White Luster
* Matubo 8 - Chalk Safari - you can use also other similar colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-23BF Silver-Lined Frosted Dark Aquamarine - for the top of petals (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-11-148F Ceylon Frosted Peach Cobler - for the flower middle (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-11-83F Frosted Metallic Iris Brown - for the base of superduo bridges (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-15-613 Matte Color Iris Gray (you can use Miyuki size 15)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


Kheops Flower Beaded Bead - CARMEN


Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Tuto kuličku ušila Hanka Chaloupková na kurzu, děkuji za zapůjčení k nafocení :-)

Colors used for CARMEN (red and hematite color combo):
* Kheops - Lava Red
* Superduo - Hematite 
* Matubo 7 - Hematite
* Matubo 8 - Opaque Red Vega Iris - you can use also other red colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-81 Opaque Frosted Pepper Red (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-15-81 Metallic Hematite (you can use Miyuki size 11)
* OPTIONAL - 12 pcs size 8 Matubo or TOHO seed beads (for the middle of each flower module)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


Kheops Flower beaded Bead - MARIGOLD


Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Colors used for MARIGOLD (yellow, brown and orange color combo):
* Kheops - Vexta Soft Yellow
* Superduo - Silky Metallic Grey Rainbow or Lime Brown Purple Matted or Lemon Brown Purple Matted
* Matubo 7 - Metallic Chocolate
* Matubo 8 - Crystal Bronze Ice Lined - you can use also other similar colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-46 Opaque Qxblood - for the top of petals (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-11-PF562 Permanent Finish Galvanized Saffron - for the flower middle (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-11-903 Ceylon Custard - for the base of superduo "bridges" (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-15-2208 Silver-Lined Burnt Orange (you can use Miyuki size 15)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


sobota 1. srpna 2015

Miniduo Lentils

 Máte rádi lentilky? Až na ty barviva a stále menší podíl čokolády, žejo...
Tyto jsou vcelku "košer" - dokonce se po nich ani netloustne :-)

* Matubo beads --- in our Etsy Shop 
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads

Both sizes - smaller version here

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