Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
Preciosa Seed Beads
Matubo beads ---
Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Baby Dagger Beads --- in our Etsy Shop
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Colors used for PERIWINKLE (violet and green color combo):
* Kheops -
Pastel Lila
* Superduo -
Jade Red Luster or
Metallic Suede Light Green
* Matubo 7 -
Chalk Green Luster or
Peppermint Opal Matted
* Matubo 8 -
Chalk Safari - you can use also other similar colors, but
it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first
time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo
bead colors in both sizes
* Baby Dagger Beads
Metallic Suede Light Green
* TOHO TR-11-935 Inside Color Crystal/Wisteria Lined - for the top of petals (you can use Miyuki or other
brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-11-123 Opaque Lustered Light Beige - for the flower middle (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
TOHO TR-11-990 Gold Lined Aqua or TR-11-274 Inside Color Aqua/Gold Lined or TR-11-132 Opaque Lustered Turquoise - for the base of superduo
bridges (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-15-461 Higher Metallic grape (you can use Miyuki size 15)