sobota 29. prosince 2018

Andante Earrings

Andante earrings
with CzechMates Diamonds two hole beads. 
Designed July 2018 for Starman Inc.

* CzechMates Diamonds two hole beads
* TOHO round Seed Beads
* Matubo beads - in our Etsy Shop

Andante Bracelet

Andante bracelet
with CzechMates Diamonds two hole beads. 
Designed July 2018 for Starman Inc.

* CzechMates Diamonds two hole beads
* TOHO round Seed Beads
* Matubo beads - in our Etsy Shop

úterý 18. prosince 2018

Karo Filigree Rondelles

Designed for PRECIOSA ORNELA a.s. with two hole Karo beads

* Preciosa Karo two hole beads
* Preciosa Twin pressed two hole beads - in our Etsy Shop
* Preciosa and TOHO seed beads