středa 15. srpna 2018

Bugle Bubbles

Bugle Bubbles beaded bead is icosidodecahedron beaded with Bugle beads and seed beads only.

* TOHO Bugle Beads
* TOHO Round Seed Beads size 11 and 15

Quite small piece, diameter is about 3,5 cm.

pondělí 13. srpna 2018

Tempestas Beaded Bead

Tempestas Beaded Bead is a cornerless cube with StormDuo two hole beads. 

Tempestas was a goddess of storms or sudden weather in ancient Roman religion 
(referring to the StormDuo beads used for this design).

* StormDuo two hole beads
* Matubo beads sizes 7 and 8 - in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO round Seed Beads

Beaded bead is quite small (for me :-) - one side is about 3 cm.

Tempestas with her big brother :-) - Clematis Beaded Bead

středa 8. srpna 2018

Hi-Tech Beaded Beads - jewelry

Jewelry created using Hi-Tech geometric Beaded Beads.
Both beaded beads are self supporting (hollow) and because of quite a large hole 
they can be used easily to create necklaces or pendants.

Hi-Tech Beaded Beads

Hi-Tech Geometric Beaded Beads with bugle beads and seed beads,
both self supporting (hollow).

Bigger Beaded Bead is a truncated cuboctahedron (started as rhombicubooctahedron),
based on Crater Asteroid design with Bugle Beads (embellished version).

 Two smaller beaded beads are truncated octahedrons (started from a small cube).


* TOHO Round Seed Beads
* TOHO Bugle Beads size 3 mm

Bigger is about 3 cm in diameter, smaller are about 2,3 cm.