úterý 18. srpna 2015

Kheops Flower Beaded Bead - FORGET-ME-NOT

Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Tuto kuličku ušila Lenka Cikhartová  - No.8

Colors used for FORGET-ME-NOT (blue and brown with yellow color combo):
* Kheops - Pastel Aqua 
* Superduo - Silky Metallic Grey Rainbow
* Matubo 7 - Opaque Dark Turquoise White Luster
* Matubo 8 - Chalk Safari - you can use also other similar colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-23BF Silver-Lined Frosted Dark Aquamarine - for the top of petals (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-11-148F Ceylon Frosted Peach Cobler - for the flower middle (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-11-83F Frosted Metallic Iris Brown - for the base of superduo bridges (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-15-613 Matte Color Iris Gray (you can use Miyuki size 15)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


Kheops Flower Beaded Bead - CARMEN


Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Tuto kuličku ušila Hanka Chaloupková na kurzu, děkuji za zapůjčení k nafocení :-)

Colors used for CARMEN (red and hematite color combo):
* Kheops - Lava Red
* Superduo - Hematite 
* Matubo 7 - Hematite
* Matubo 8 - Opaque Red Vega Iris - you can use also other red colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-81 Opaque Frosted Pepper Red (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-15-81 Metallic Hematite (you can use Miyuki size 11)
* OPTIONAL - 12 pcs size 8 Matubo or TOHO seed beads (for the middle of each flower module)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


Kheops Flower beaded Bead - MARIGOLD


Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads
* Matubo beads --- Matubo Beads in our Etsy Shop
* Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop

Colors used for MARIGOLD (yellow, brown and orange color combo):
* Kheops - Vexta Soft Yellow
* Superduo - Silky Metallic Grey Rainbow or Lime Brown Purple Matted or Lemon Brown Purple Matted
* Matubo 7 - Metallic Chocolate
* Matubo 8 - Crystal Bronze Ice Lined - you can use also other similar colors, but it is better to have a little different colors for size 7 and 8 for beaded base. It is easier if you are making my beaded base first time - after you have some experience, you can make it all from the same Matubo bead colors in both sizes
* TOHO TR-11-46 Opaque Qxblood - for the top of petals (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size of course)
* TOHO TR-11-PF562 Permanent Finish Galvanized Saffron - for the flower middle (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-11-903 Ceylon Custard - for the base of superduo "bridges" (you can use Miyuki or other brands in the same size)
* TOHO TR-15-2208 Silver-Lined Burnt Orange (you can use Miyuki size 15)

Kheops par Puca beads available NaSpirale and in our  Etsy Shop


čtvrtek 6. srpna 2015

Mini MiniDuo Lentils

MiniDuo lentils - smaller version

* Matubo beads --- in our Etsy Shop 
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads

Both sizes - bigger version here

sobota 1. srpna 2015

Miniduo Lentils

 Máte rádi lentilky? Až na ty barviva a stále menší podíl čokolády, žejo...
Tyto jsou vcelku "košer" - dokonce se po nich ani netloustne :-)

* Matubo beads --- in our Etsy Shop 
* TOHO or  Preciosa Seed Beads

Both sizes - smaller version here