For those, who asked for tutorials of my designs
neděle 26. července 2015
neděle 5. července 2015
Spacecraft Wrap Bracelet
Spacecraft Module is very adaptable, can be used many ways.
Spacecraft Wrap Bracelet
* Kheops par Puca --- in our Etsy Shop
* CzechMates Crescents --- in our Etsy Shop
* Button Beads --- in our Etsy Shop
* Matubo beads --- in our Etsy Shop
Spacecraft Module
* Kheops par Puca ---in our Etsy Shop
* CzechMates Crescents --- in our Etsy Shop
* Button Beads --- in our Etsy Shop
* Matubo beads --- in our Etsy Shop
* Preciosa Twin or Superduo --- in our Etsy Shop
* TOHO or Preciosa Seed Beads
Spacecraft Module is very adaptable, can be used many ways
Easy bracelet
Wrap Bracelet - more pictures here
Inspired by Orion Spacecraft